Latest Episodes

143 - The (5) Top Reasons AI/ML and Analytics SAAS Product Leaders Come to Me For UI/UX Design Help (Audio/Podcast)
Welcome back! In today’s solo episode, I share the top five struggles that enterprise SAAS leaders have in the analytics/insight/decision support space that most...

141 - How They’re Adopting a Producty Approach to Data Products at RBC with Duncan Milne
In this week’s episode of Experiencing Data, I’m joined by Duncan Milne, a Director, Data Investment & Product Manager at the Royal Bank of...

103 - Helping Pediatric Cardiac Surgeons Make Better Decisions with ML featuring Eugenio Zuccarelli of MIT Media Lab
Today I’m chatting with Eugenio Zuccarelli, Research Scientist at MIT Media Lab and Manager of Data Science at CVS. Eugenio explains how he has...

102 - CDO Spotlight: The Non-Technical Roles Data Science and Analytics Teams Need to Drive Adoption of Data Products w/ Iván Herrero Bartolomé
Today I’m chatting with Iván Herrero Bartolomé, Chief Data Officer at Grupo Intercorp. Iván describes how he was prompted to write his new article...

060 - How NPR Uses Data to Drive Editorial Decisions in the Newsroom with Sr. Dir. of Audience Insights Steve Mulder
Experiencing Data with Brian T. O’Neill 060 – How NPR Uses Data to Drive Editorial Decisions in the Newsroom with Sr. Dir. of Audience...

059 - How Design Thinking Helps Organizations and Data Science Teams Create Economic Value with Machine Learning and Analytics feat. Bill Schmarzo
With a 30+ year career in data warehousing, BI and advanced analytics under his belt, Bill has become a leader in the field of...